Internet Remote Routing:
08/07/98 --
ICS today introduced a remote client software. This software
enables non ProCAD PowerStation 32 users to be able to use our Internet
Remote AutoRouting services. If your current CAD layout software supports
Cadence/CCT SPECCTRA for high end autorouting, you could definitely benefit
from this service. Protel, Accel EDA etc users may need to purchase the
SPECCTRA interface option from their CAD vendor.
ICS Remote router uses a
full blown 256 layers SPECCTRA with DFM, ADV etc options, running on a high
speed dual processor server. This ensure that your jobs are routed with the
best possible router in the industry at a blazing speed. Typical turnaround
time is usually about 30 to 60 minutes depending on the complexity of the
job. For a limited time, we are offering this service for FREE. This should
enable users to evaluate the service on a real design.
If you are a service
bureau currently using SPECCTRA, we can automate your job submission and
retrieval process by providing you a customized Client and Server programs.
To download the Remote
Client Software, click